Simposh Palm Grater – Comfortable Compact Handheld Mouse Grater

The Simposh Palm Grater is a comfortable compact handheld mouse grater that can peel your vegetables/fruit, grate your cheese or zest anything you desire. It’s the perfect addition to your quick and helpful kitchen gadgets.

The inexpensive device is extremely easy to use as it all it requires is attaching a few things and you’re ready to go. It comes with three stainless steel blades for your needs.

Simposh Palm Grater Three styles

The Simposh Palm Grater in three specific functions

Zesting various foods is a great use for this as it can easily zest a lemon, a lime or something as creative as chocolate. It gives you the perfect fine zest and works great on all food you would use for zesting.

Simposh Palm Grater Grating

Grating cheese is one of the bigger functions of these product as it can easily grate your cheese and store it inside it’s compartment. No mess when grating cheese, just save it all up and use it after your done grating.

Simposh Palm Grater Cheese Grating

$8.99 $7.49

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