I'm a pretty crafty person. Almost all my stuff is personalized, but it can get pretty tiresome at times. Customizing with unique prints means having to print designs on transfer ...
The sun can get pretty annoying when we're walking down the street. We might need sunlight to see, but too much of it, and we can barely see a thing! The glaring light hurts our ...
Emergencies can happen, and you don't want to grasp around blindly in the dark when it does. You should always have a flashlight around just in case. Unfortunately, they're ...
Winter is fun. You get to go skiing and skating. People build snowmen and get into snowball fights. There's a lot to love! But if there's one thing I hate, it's getting cold feet. ...
Bathroom breaks are a blessing, whether you are at work or at home. Personally, I spend way too much time in the bathroom – it’s my haven. But you know what the worst thing that ...
As a responsible motorcycle owner, you need to give your motorcycle some tender loving care. Treat it right, and it will last you for years to come. Aside from regular ...
Road trips are fun! You could be on your way to the beach with surfboards. Or maybe you're going camping in the great outdoors, with equipment like tents and cookware. Whatever ...
If you are like me, you probably love the look and feel of smooth, clean skin. One great way you can keep your skin soft, and dirt-free is by exfoliating regularly and washing it ...
When winter comes to mind, the first thing you probably think about is snow. Snow is what makes winter so great - and so annoying at times. It might be fun to play with, but not ...
In the world of pranks, the secret to scaring people is by surprising them. What is more surprising than a big spider suddenly jumping on you? That's exactly what the eHemco Amish ...
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